“The Blog-aholic Award”


Hi guys, I was nominated by the amazing:     ▪ https://clusterofstarsblog.wordpress.com/ for this award, after you finish reading make sure to go and check out her blog, I really enjoy reading her posts I’m sure you guys will too.


  1. Put the above logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their ‘About’ page)
  4. Mention the creator of the award and please provide a link to The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) as I (The Recipe Hunter) would love to meet you
  5. Write a post to show your award
  6. Share a link to your best post(s)
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself.
  8. Nominate 5-10 bloggers, or more of you wish
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created

Facts About Me:

1) My favourite color is black, and if you’re one of those people who say that back isn’t a color it’s a “shade”, well guess what, I don’t really give a fuck so keep your color science to yourself and let me like what I like. (That totally made sense)

2) I’m an extremely socially awkward person and I would rather stay inside my room for the rest of my life then leave the house and make social contact with others.

3) I got inspired by a Japanese Anime called “Your Lie In April” to learn to play the piano, oh and by the way you should really watch that anime it will literally rip your soul apart and crush your heart.

Links to some of my posts:

1) I Fear Imperfection.I Fear Imperfection.

2)Problems With The Public..

3)I would build..

4)Another Sleepless Night..


I nominate two of my favourite blogs on WordPress:  http://www.aheartynomad.com/2017/02/09/glorious-hole-wall/


And last but not least I nominate you, the person reading this, feel free to do this award if you feel like it and if you don’t that’s okay, you don’t have too. See you guys in my next post. –H

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